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Pondless Waterfalls

The waterfall is undoubtedly the most beautiful and favored feature in a water garden.  If space is lacking in your yard or you have safety concerns with a pond, go Pondless®!  Pondless water feature systems are perfect for schools, businesses and those who want a front yard water feature, travel frequently, have young children, limited or abundant space.  They can be 5 feet short or 150 feet long...the possibilities are endless.  You can easily incorporate a fountain into the design as well to add an extra "wow" factor to your feature!

A Pondless Waterfall is simply a re-circulating waterfall or stream without the presence of a pond.  Pondless waterfalls work by pumping water contained in a large, in-ground reservoir up and through the Waterfall Spillway, allowing the water to flow back down into the reservoir.  This simple recirculation system requires very little maintenance, is easy to install, and ideal for families with young children or pets that love to play in water.

Pondless Waterfall

Transform your property today.

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